Mother Nature and I are not on speaking terms!!!!
So much for that expected snowstorm! Not even a lousy delay! Which means I can't write now... I have to get ready and leave for school. Which means, I've already wasted too much time!
A quick glimpse into the mind of THE Cynical Fat Girl
So much for that expected snowstorm! Not even a lousy delay! Which means I can't write now... I have to get ready and leave for school. Which means, I've already wasted too much time!
After completing taping for the first part of my BEST portfolio, I'm really hoping for a snow day! SOON!!! I just need a day off. I have a million and one projects that I've started, and not finished! I have hours of video to watch and continue reflecting on. I have a huge portfolio to write up and I need to get the last bit of my grading done. I also need to select the best samples of my students' work to submit with the portfolio and make sure I've written thoughtful comments to my kiddos. The other side of the coin, however, is that I am still part time and if we have a snow day tomorrow, I won't get paid because I won't be working. And in my current financial state, I need all the extra money I can get. Bottom line, despite the fact that a snow storm with accumulation was predicted... The weather is currently producing a mix of rain and ice... Chances are... No snow day tomorrow.... So, I am going to watch the last 11 minutes of Grey's Anatomy and then I am going to bed! I need to sleep before heading back to school in the morning.
I have three cats.
Calvin, who came home with me from Singapore but is living with my parents.
Emma - short for Emerson - who I adopted a year ago from a cat shelter.
And Anna, who was originally adopted from the cat shelter by my mother but now lives with me because she was being eaten alive by my parents last dog. (And no, she's not demonic, the flash just didn't agree with her eyes.)
Lately, Anna and Emma have been very affectionate. They both love to be held as often as possible when I am home. But Anna has had an interesting response to moments when I am paying more attention to Emma than I am to her.
On the wall above my television, I have a mirror. Anna has been jumping up onto the TV, and looking at herself in the mirror. After a few seconds, she'll start scratching at her reflection in the mirror. Obviously she has a rather low self-esteem.
Too bad she can't harness some of that energy into doing the dishes while I'm at work.
This week I coined a new verb... I'm an English teacher, I get to do that... Anyway the verb is "BESTing". In the fantastic state of Connecticut, new teachers have to prove their teaching abilities. Within the first 2 years of your teaching career, you have to submit a portfolio that demonstrates your ability to plan, execute, and document an educational unit. The average portfolio is about 140 pages in length. It also includes a video segment of class discussion. This cycle at school, I am completing my BEST unit (see... I'm BESTing). Tonight I am sitting at home, watching the video from class today. A few observations.... 1. My voice sounds really annoying on video. 2. I yell at a kid named Paul way too many times for a 50 minute period... I should probably kick him out of class. 3. My students are completely hamming it up for the camera... 4. My class is even more talkative than I thought. 5. There are a lot of comments being made that I don't think I heard in class. 6. My students seem to be getting the concepts. 7. The sound of my students whining my name, is more annoying to me than the sound of my own voice! Well, when I think about it... I have 2 days down and 6 more to go.... It will all be over soon enough. In the mean time, I am very, very tired and looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday.