Monday, February 26, 2007

Happy Snow Day!!!

Thanks to about 3 inches of snow, just about every school system in the state of Connecticut is closed today, including mine. I am sitting on my couch, curled up in a blanket and feeling both glad (for the extra day of rest) and annoyed (this throws off my lesson plans for the rest of the week, which wouldn't be so bad except that we're in the CAPT homestretch). Despite the day off and the opportunity to do any number of things on my to-do list, I haven't actually accomplished anything. In a couple of hours I'll be meeting my sister to go to the gym and then on to the Biggest Loser group my church is having. I'm not looking forward to getting weighed in. It's not that I am afraid I haven't lost any weight, I just haven't been all that thrilled with the concept of weighing in in public. Although, I am taking consolation in the fact that they don't use the cattle scales with the big screen numbers that are used on the show! I think I may try to take a little nap before I have to go... I'll write again another time.

Friday, February 23, 2007

What is wrong with the world today?

So, I've been trying to compose this entry for a couple of days now, but I keep deleting it because the words don't seem to be coming out just right! I'm still not entirely sure it's right, but I just can't seem to tweak it anymore.... Lately I have been absolutely appalled at the condition of our society! I'd like to think that I am not one to speak ill of the deceased or the mentally infirm, but at this moment I am so taken aback by the downward spiral the news media has taken I don't think I can be held accountable for the thoughts that follow. 1st - Tyra Banks! I like Tyra! I like America's Next Top Model! I'm not so much a fan of the talk show, but I won't even watch Oprah! The thing that gets me about this is that Tyra has been very open about her weight and yet the press are still hunting her down, tracking her to a beach and camping out for that photograph that proves what we all already know: Tyra doesn't weigh 125lbs! How has our society gotten so obsessed with weight that a woman who is 5'10" can be considered FAT at 161lbs? 2nd - Anna Nicole Smith! The woman was a train wreck, people! Her life was one long side show that we all watched because we couldn't look away, not out of enjoyment! Yes, it is sad that she passed away so suddenly and apparently mysteriously (my money is on some kind of negative drug interaction or the result of on and off crash dieting - take that makers of Trimspa). It is terrible for a child of 5 months old to lose a parent... but, consider the parent! Danielynn, at this point hasn't a snowball's chance in hell at being normal! 3rd - Britney Spears! As if it isn't enough that our culture tells us that you can never be too rich or too thin, Britney came along as a semi-innocent, fantasy inducing Catholic School girl in her first video telling the world that it's OK for a 16 year old girl to be viewed as a sex symbol! From that first video for "Hit Me, Baby One More Time" until the present, Brit has pushed the envelope, going from slightly naughty to downright slutty on camera and has persuaded the teenage girls of America that they should do the same. Where is the moral outrage? Apparently, non-existent! After all, Britney shaved her head this week in news that made CNN!!! Forget minor news stories like the War in Iraq, kidnappings, murders or even the flipping Oscars! Our time has been wrapped up in news stories that parade in front of us a three ring circus of the unimportant, the overexposed and talentless, and neurotic! Bottom line: In the grand scheme of things, not a thing I've said here will matter. And voicing my opinion merely makes me "The Cynical Fat Girl." But what hope is there for the young women of tomorrow if exposure teaches them that you must be a thin, brainless tramp in order to be newsworthy, or even important!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Breast Cancer

Hey Folks! I know I'm not alone in this one. We've all been affected by Breast Cancer - either personally or by knowing someone who has battled the disease. This year alone, three of members of our staff at school were diagnosed with Breast Cancer. My friend and co-worker Jenn is participating in a 3 day 60 mile Breast Cancer Walk in August (I admire her, not ready to do it this year... maybe I can start training for next year). In order to be able to walk, she has to raise $2200.Please help her out if you can. All donations are tax-deductable. You can donate by going to the following website... Thank you!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

In the Wake of Valentine's Day

On Wednesday I was blessed with the first snow day of this winter season.... As I sat contemplating on Wednesday evening, this is what I came up with... Valentine's Day (Reposted from Myspace) Current mood: contemplative It's almost over! Only two hours left to my least favorite day of the year! A few weeks ago, I was working with my freshmen on the concepts of Irony and Ambiguity in Literature! Today, as I was sitting at home thanks to a Nor'easter that wasn't, I began to contemplate the Irony of my situation. Irony #1 - Today was supposed to be our first day back after a long weekend style February Vacation. Got the snow day, but I can still see the grass outside my window. Irony #2 - In highschool, I skipped school every year on Valentine's Day. I never had a boyfriend in highschool, so watching the sappy, mushy, gusy couples go to excess because of a day on the calendar was not high on my priority list. My senior year, my mom decided I should face this issue and refused to write me a note excusing me from school. I was not happy. Bottom line, we had a snow day! Irony #3 - I wasn't really dreading going to school today. But ended up being under the weather... I spent most of the day on the couch, sleeping and watching tv. Not the most productive of days. So, as Valentine's Day comes to a close, I've spent the last few hours watching a History Channel Documentary on the St. Valentine's Day Massacre following it up with CMT's 100 Greatest Country Love Songs. After all, who wants to go to bed on Valentine's Day with the image of seven murdered mobsters on the brain! This has been a strange week. I blew off the gym Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday, I got snowed in. Thursday I forgot entirely about a department meeting and my lunch duty and spent the entire day hiding in my classroom (there are days when I feel slightly antisocial at school). Today, my lunch was interupted by both of our school security officers and our school's SRO (Student Resource Officer - the representative from the State Police). My coteacher and I were having lunch and working on our crossword puzzle - something we do everyday. The guys came in and insisted on complaining about how much their Valentine's Day sucked! If there is one thing I hate more than Valentine's Day, it's listening to married and significantly attached people complain about it. Those of us who do not have a Valentine do not want to hear about the fact that your wife isn't speaking to you and you're upset because you actually listened to her for once and got her something she wanted but you screwed up by questioning her activities on a day that she was home with all 4 of your children. We don't care that you were supposed to go out on Saturday night for a $300 dinner with friends who picked up the tab, but you're upset because you didn't get to go because you got sick and were throwing up and you feel bad because you missed out on your Valentine's Day celebration. I don't want to know whether or not you "got lucky" on the big day!!! And when I don't participate in your conversation because I have nothing to say, I don't appreciate your comments about needing to take me out and get some alcohol in me. I didn't ask for your opinion about my need to "loosen up". And I certainly don't want you questioning whether or not I am a "nice, innocent girl" and whether or not I want to stay that way! In the past, I have wished for a Valentine of my own. I would sit at home feeling sorry for myself because I didn't have a special someone in my life. For the first time, I think I am glad I didn't have Valentine. After the quality time with the guys today, I am not really impressed with men in general (please don't be offended if you are male and don't fall into the above category). Note to self: If ever in a meaningful relationship with a guy, don't put much emphasis on Valentine's Day... It seems to suck no matter who you are or what your relationship status is.