Random News, etc.
So, I still don't have those pictures promised in my last blog... But wanted to update, so, this post should hold those of you who are stalking me over for at least a little while! School - Almost over! Our last day is on the 19th of June. The kids are getting a little antsy. So am I for that matter. We're busily preparing for final exams. BEST - is over for the moment. I worked right up to my deadline and finally got the stupid thing turned in. Now, I'm praying that whoever looks at it decides that it's enough to get a 2, which is a passing score. Family - major drama and issues... but I don't really want to go into it... it's a long story that involves yet another run in with the state police. Home - it's a mess... it needs attention.... Love life - still mostly non-existent... I think that's all for now... At the very least, it covers the basics. I'll try to be better about updating....